Running hot

Hill, David

Summary: A group of teenagers is working in a forestry plantation to raise money for a school trip when one morning they come across two quad riders hooning through the forest. In trying to escape one of the riders has an accident, his bike explodes and fire spreads through the forest putting the teenagers in terrible danger. Suggested level: intermediate, junior secondary
116 p
Summary: A group of teenagers is working in a forestry plantation to raise money for a school trip when one morning they come across two quad riders hooning through the forest. In trying to escape one of the riders has an accident, his bike explodes and fire spreads through the forest putting the teenagers in terrible danger. Suggested level: intermediate, junior secondary
Librarian's Miscellania
Physical Description: 116 p
MARC Record: 245 p, ill
Location edition Bar Code due date
English Dept GCS00093
call #:HIL
ISBN:0908783949 9780908783946