Another Country

Anjali Joseph

A superb second novel from the author of the multiple-award winning Saraswati Park. They'd discussed it earlier, in the days of their friendship: the need to reach a certain phase in one's life, to become a householder, to enter the world and leave behind the selfish days of youth. Paris, London, Bombay: three cities form a backdrop to a journey through Leela's twenties at the dawn of the new millennium, as she learns to negotiate the world, work, relationships and sex, and find some measure of authenticity. Sharp, funny, and melancholy, Another Country brings a cool eye to friendship, love, and the idea of belonging in its movements through old and new worlds. As with her debut, Saraswati Park (2010), which won the Desmond Elliott Prize, the Betty Trask Prize and India's Vodafone Crossword Prize, Anjali Joseph's beautiful, clear writing captures exactly both emotions and surroundings.
Additional Notes
Cultural Identity Relationships Coming of age
Librarian's Miscellania
Reading age: YEAR 12
Location edition Bar Code due date
Library GCS03550