Loblolly boy

Norcliffe, James

Other Title: Loblolly boy New Zealand author Summary: To the boy called Red, it seems the most marvellous escape he could wish for: a gift that grants him more freedom than he ever believed possible - the chance to fly, to soar with the gulls, high over the tall brick walls that have imprisoned him for so long. But this gift comes with a terrible price - and puts him in grave danger. Is there anyone Red can trust to help him? The curious Captain Bass who has strange powers of his own? The wildly unpredictable twin sisters he is strongly drawn to? In this magical, mysterious story, Red's adventure is like a chamber of mirrors at a carnival - a dazzling and breathtaking tale
Librarian's Miscellania
MARC Record: 32 v, ill. (some col.), geneal. tables, maps, ports
SubTitle: a fantasy novel : involving enchantment, mystery, one garden gnome and a wombat's bottom
Physical Description: 220 p
MARC Import date: 74 p, col. ill., col. maps
Location edition Bar Code due date
Library 51729
call #:NOR