This way up

Wood, Lindsay

Summary: Cory is overweight and shy, and spends all his spare time playing CounterStrike on the computer. Then his mum gives him an ultimatum: join a school sports team or broadband will be cancelled. Realising that for once he's not going to get his own way, Cory looks for what he thinks is the easiest sports option, orienteering. But he soon discovers it's more difficult than he thought. Competing alone in the back of beyond, Cory needs to learn to work with what he's got, if he doesn't want to totally humiliate himself. And then he remembers CounterStrike New Zealand author
Librarian's Miscellania
Physical Description: 160 p
Department Responsible:
MARC Import date: viii, 439 p
MARC Record: [23] p, col. ill
Location edition Bar Code due date
Library GCS01539