Over the top : great battles of the First World War

Evans, Martin Marix

Table of contents includes: Invasion -- The battle of Mons and the great retreat -- The first battle of the Marne -- The first battle of Ypres -- Neuve Chapelle -- The second battle of Ypres -- The Gallipoli campaign -- The battle of the Somme -- Messines and Passchendaele --The German Spring offensives -- The Allies attack
Librarian's Miscellania
Physical Description: 240 p, maps
Department Responsible: Social Studies
SubTitle: great battles of the First World War
MARC Import date: 72 p, 21 cm
MARC Record: 39 p, ill
Location edition Bar Code due date
Library GCS00431
Dewey:940.4 EVA
ISBN:0572028407 9780572028404