Stolen child

Skrypuch, Marsha Forchuk

Summary: After being stolen from her family by the Nazis, Nadia has grown up, literally, in a completely different world. Her memories have always confused her. While living a privileged German childhood, Nadia recalls a woman singing her a lullaby and the taste of gingersnap cookies transports her to a strangely familiar, yet unknown, past. And she continues to be haunted by vivid, terrifying dreams. Slowly she uncovers the truth - that the German family she grew up with are not who they say they are. Piece by piece, Nadia comes to realize who her real family was. But where are they now? What became of them? And what is her real name?
Additional Notes
Librarian's Miscellania
Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch
Location edition Bar Code due date
Library GCS03864