Digital fluency storytelling in the cloud : innovative ways of telling stories in a future-focused curriculum

Simmons, Angie

Series: digital fluency
Storytelling in the cloud innovative ways of telling stories in a future-focused curriculum
56 pages
Contents include: Introduction -- Digital learning tools and literacy -- What makes a digital story effective -- Types of digital media to tell our stories -- The process of creating a digital story -- Writing stories as a good digital citizen -- Writing a variety of digital stories -- Story hut: visual storytelling for teachers -- Case study: Digital storytelling at Torbay School -- Digital tools for reluctant writers
Summary: The art of story-telling is as old as the dawn of language, however the medium by which story-telling travels has changed dramatically. The arrival of 'the cloud' has brought with it a huge range of new possibilities for storytelling. In this book explore the ways students can tell and share stories in a future-focused curriculum
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
English Dept GCS07708
Genre:teacher resource
call #:SIM