Teaching meda literacy through contemporary issues Reality tv

Sutherland, Dale

Series: Teaching media literacy through contemporary issues
Reality TV
63 pages
Contents include: What is reality TV? -- Types of reality -- Development of the genre -- Casting and characters -- Editing for effect -- Narrative structure --Product placement -- Making reality
Summary: This book explores all that is Reality TV. Students will learn about how reality tv fits into the media landscape, as well as the techniques used to capture and maintain viewers' interest - from developing an initial idea, casting, producing and editing. The ultimate aim of this resource is to give students the tools to recognise the techniques that reality tv producers use and why they use them. Having worked through the sections, students will have an opportunity to develop a reality show of their own. (Publisher's website)
Ages 12-15
Teaching media literacy through contemporary issues
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
English Dept GCS07699
call #:SUT